About ACCD

ACCD Strategic Plan (2017 - 2020)

01 January 2017

ACCD Strategic Plan 

(2017 - 2020)

ACCD Model 
"Education for Hope"




Under the patronage of HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz, ACCD President and upon its march and achievements with the developmental support of AGFUND, ACCD has developed a vision based on its accumulated experience over more than thirty years and in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) issued in 1989 as well as seeking to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (2015 - 2030) (SDGs). ACCD's vision has emerged in logical contexts, integrated into a single fabric under the slogan: "Education for Hope", i.e. developing children's awareness and awakening their creative self, as well as unleashing their creative human energies, enforcing their rights and developing their capacities, in order to participate in achieving positive and enlightened citizenship.

ACCD's accumulated experience in its various practical and intellectual paths has already achieved a developmental vision centered around the rights-based approach, within its integrated concept and in accordance with the CRC. This experience has expanded to include the concept of child protection, not only as a pillar of child rights, but also as a fundamental principle that should be translated into effective policies with rules and standards. In this regard, ACCD, through a systematic work, has been able to develop a guiding model for the Arab countries to build child protection policies.

Based on the achievements of its Strategic Plan (2011 - 2013), ACCD has adopted the concept of child participation, and launched a number of studies on "participation" at the 4th Arab Civil Society Forum for Children held in Beirut on the 3rd-4th of July 2012. ACCD's interaction and interest in the concept of participation coincided with implementing a field project on the evaluation of community participation of civil society organizations in education through community schools. In this context, ACCD has carried out its field study in evaluating the performance of these organizations in education in the governorates of Assiut, Sohag and Qena in Upper Egypt. This field experience helped ACCD to be involved in education and support the educational system.

These projects highlighted the need to adopt a pedagogy that is based on active learning and raising awareness of children, unleashing their creativity and human abilities, with a view to free them from cultural backwardness and develop their abilities in scientific thinking and creativity.

ACCD has accumulated three concepts: "child rights and social protection policies", "child participation" and "education for hope" that created a strong impetus, which contributed in the development of ACCD's intellectual frameworks, and crystallizing its interest in the need to provide a new guiding model for upbringing children in the Arab countries based on these concepts, to achieve the enforcement of child rights as guaranteed by the international and Arab conventions and agreements.

Based on the foregoing, ACCD realized that applying the new model of upbringing in the Arab countries, with its indicated dimensions and philosophical orientations, will not be achieved by considering it an abstract intellectual model, as it is in fact an active model of effective field practices initiated by ACCD in its previous plan and a comprehensive idea that serves as a guiding framework for all ACCD work in the next four years; it is the idea that covers and encompasses all ACCD's efforts, which are the basis for an integrated program of action in the coming period.

The upbringing model ACCD is practically implementing in all its areas of work and activities is a comprehensive model that aims at developing children's awareness and awakening their creative self, in addition to unleashing their creative human energies and building their abilities, in order to help them live a decent life, achieve positive citizenship and enable them to help their Arab countries towards establishing knowledge society.

The focus of ACCD's Strategic Plan  (2014 - 2016) on building a new guiding model for upbringing children in the Arab countries has taken into consideration the new international trends and strategies in the field of child-upbringing, thus helping to strengthen the role of ACCD regionally and internationally; a matter that required enhancing the roots of partnership and cooperation, as well as coordination with relevant international, regional and national institutions at all levels, not to mention lobbying, advocacy, networking, capacity-building, providing information and developing social awareness of issues of upbringing in the Arab countries to achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, the new Strategic Plan (2017 - 2020) focuses on applying the new model of child upbringing through ACCD's stimulating role in discussing issues of child upbringing, gathering information that help to indicate the real status of upbringing and building upon it, as well as through ACCD's being a house of expertise, a source of specialized information and knowledge, a producer of regional guiding policies, a supporter for national policies that best serve the child in all Arab countries, an advocate for children's rights and guide to the policies affecting children lives.


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