About ACCD

ACCD Strategic Plan (2023 - 2025)

28 November 2023

ACCD’s Strategic Plan (2023-2025), entitled “The Empowerment of Arab Children in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Global Developments”, reflects the evolution of ACCD’s continuing developmental journey to be a house of expertise and a reference for realizing the rights of Arab children, as well as upbringing them, developing their reason and intellect, enriching their awareness and enabling them to interact positively and competently with the requirements of the future and the rapidly changing world.

ACCD’s Fourth Strategic Plan aims to build a conscious culture with a global dimension in accordance with a sustainable rights-based approach through applying ACCD’s Model for Arab Child Upbringing “Education for Hope”, in light of global developments within the framework of digital transformation and empowering Arab children to interact positively with the requirements of the industrial revolutions and beyond.
