Media Observatory for the Arab Child Rights
The Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD), in partnership with the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND), has initiated to implement the Project of Media Observatory for the Arab Child Rights (MOACR Project), and in response to the recommendations of the Arab Childhood Committee affiliated to LAS.
The MOACR is a mechanism for monitoring, analyzing, following up and evaluation, in order to improve the performance of the Arab media towards issues of upbringing and child rights in cooperation and coordination with the media and other development institutions. The MOACR seeks to develop the capabilities of media professionals in disseminating the culture of child rights, as well as to be an effective tool in conducting studies and researches and issuing periodic reports to evaluate media performance in order to create a child friendly media
"Child friendly media" is media that respects children’s rights and works to enforce them, media that supports a value system based on professionalism, empowerment, citizenship, social justice, freedom and transparency, media that establishes a culture that promotes principles of upbringing based on free and active learning, serious and effective participation, acceptance of the right to difference, non-discrimination, and recognition of pluralism and diversity, as well as media that is based on protecting the best interests of the child, protecting personal identity, ensuring the right to privacy and the right to reply and correction.