ACCD Publications

Children Participation

Children Participation

Empowerment and Protection
Sustainability and Development



This book tackles the issue of children participation as one of the basic pillars of child rights, and one of the main topics adopted by ACCD's strategy, according to the developmental rights based approach that qualifies children for the future and enhances building a community based on citizenship, democracy, social harmony, tolerance and acceptance of pluralism and diversity.

The issuance of this book is a continuation of ACCD's interest in the issue of children participation, which has been addressed at length during the activities of the Fourth Arab Civil Society Forum for Children, held in Beirut in the year 2012.

This book aims at promoting the active participation of children so that to become key partners in the community, thus achieving the foundations of democracy and citizenship. ACCD adopts a broad concept for the meaning of citizenship, emphasizing equality, non-discrimination, developing capacity and the enabling environment.


Download the English Abstract (attached in pdf)