Education for Hope
A New Model for Arab Child Upbringing
ACCD's March of Developing the Intellectual Framework of the
Model and its Applications

This book reviews ACCD's efforts and achievements to develop the model of "Education for Hope" that seeks intellectually to achieve the integration of three main circles that have been accumulated by ACCD through its experience and achievements while implementing the previous strategic plans. These circles are: 1) the rights-based approach, 2) the approach of developing capacity that is essential in enabling children of enforcing their rights to education, health and protection, 3) the approach of self-awakening, education for hope and liberating children from cultural and social backwardness. The integration of these circles according to this trilogy (rights, capacity and self-awakening) ensures developing hope for children who enjoy dignity, honor and the ability to participate in building their society on the basics of knowledge and social justice.
Download the English Abstract (attached in pdf)