ACCD Publications

The Empowerment of the Arab Child in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Empowerment of the Arab Child in the

Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution




In accordance with its vision of enabling Arab children to participate in the development of their societies and dealing with the rapid global changes, the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD) has initiated to organize two workshops, under the auspices of the late HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdel Aziz, on the issue of Arab children's empowerment in the era of fourth industrial revolution.

This book reviews the outcomes of these two workshops, as well as the scientific papers and researches that were discussed by an elite of specialized experts in this field.  

ACCD held the first workshop in its headquarters (Cairo) from the 28th of February to the first of March 2018, in collaboration with AGFUND, the League of Arab States (LAS), the Egyptian Supreme Council for Culture and Dialogue Center for Political and Media Studies.

The second workshop was held by ACCD on the 14th of October 2018 in Cairo, in parallel with the activities of the 5th Arab Civil Society Forum for Children (held on 13 - 14 October 2018 in Cairo).

Download the English Abstract (attached in pdf)