ACCD Publications

The Readiness of Arab Children for the 4IR (Media Summary)

The Readiness of Arab Children for the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond
"An Arab Explortory Field Study"

Based on its strategic approach towards the empowerment of Arab Children in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and beyond, ACCD in partnership with AGFUND initiated the preparation of this exploratory field Study on a sample of Arab children aged 12-15 years, to measure the readiness of Arab children and the requirements of their upbringing in this rapidly developing era.

The importance of ACCD’s initiative to prepare this Study stems from being the first Arab study on this issue that the developed world is increasingly concerned with, seeking to draw a comprehensive and scientific knowledge of the characteristics and capabilities of its children, to set up intervention plans of empowering children in this changing world, and thus maintaining growth and progress.