ACCD Publications

ACCD Performance Report 2014

ACCD Performance Report 2014

Throughout its accumulated experience, ACCD, which is established upon an initiative of HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz, has adopted new intellectual and theoretical frameworks, which paved the way towards developing the strategic plan (2014 - 2016) based on three main approaches, as follows: (1) child rights-based approach, in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, (2) the approach of linking protection, social policies and community participation, and (3) the approach of self-awakening and education for hope.

These concepts have brought a strong impetus towards developing ACCD's intellectual frameworks and crystallizing its interest in providing a new guiding model of child upbringing in the Arab world. Such model aims at awakening children consciousness towards their humanity and creativity, unleashing their human energies, and building their capacities in education, family, and social inclusion, in order to achieve positive citizenship, in order to enable establishing knowledge society under the slogan "new mind - new generation - new society".

The year 2014 has marked initiating the practical implementation of strategic plan, throughout launching the project of rehabilitation and inclusion of street children through education for hope, under the slogan "I have chosen hope". This project is implemented in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity and a number of partners on the governmental and non-governmental levels. In implementing this project, ACCD seeks to provide a new model based on children's respect and enable them to acquire basic life skills, thus ACCD will be able to achieve social inclusion through applying strategies of capacity building and enabling environments that stem from an institution-based reform, as well as advocacy to develop a new culture in working with those children. 

Additionally, the year 2014 has also witnessed developing the fundamental steps for the project of "Media Observatory for Arab Child Rights" to move to operation stage through the provision of training for media professionals and monitoring media performance, with a view to activate media for child rights. Moreover, ACCD is committed to continue its programs and projects in the fields of the inclusion of children with disabilities in education and society, promoting Arab civil society organizations working in childhood and the connection between upbringing and citizenship.

Since its establishment and over its work track, including the year 2014, ACCD has sought to issue a set of publications, in order to bridge knowledge gaps in the fields of childhood and development. ACCD is also keen to consolidate and expand its partnerships with related organizations; the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) in particular, which is ACCD's main strategic partner. Further, there is the coordination and cooperation with the League of the Arab States (Department of Women, Family and Childhood). Therefore, recognition and gratitude are renewed for HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz for sponsoring and promoting all ACCD efforts and works. Finally, we promise our partners, friends and children, who are our goal, to continue our work and efforts for a brighter future. 

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